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While away in Clermont-Ferrand in France, I explores the new city around me, taking shots of the different architecture and culture in this city.

For this shot i wanted to take advantage of the symmetrical windows and lines of the building. The contrast of the windows and the bold black lines attract the audiences eyes. The low angle makes the buildings look powerful and monumental, making you feel like you could be trapped or cornered.

For this shot i wanted to have a scene where the audience would focus on something more than the city itself, the use of the umbrellas in this shot gives the image more colour but also gives the image depth. Seeing how big this city is and how far it goes. The use of the church staple at the back also allows the viewer's eyes to go deeper into the image, following the path that these two woman are going down to where it reaches the church. This image also captures a atmosphere to the city, watching the two women walking down the path we can take that this area is a popular and social place.

I like the image as the leading lines makes you eyes follow the path into unknown. The house framed within the gap makes you want to go down further and explore more. I like the contrast of the different bricks and style of housing, giving an old town look and a different type of culture.
For this image, I wanted to show the simplicity of a building. I did this by capturing the door and small windows, which are contrasted against the boring beige wall, making it an interesting image to look at.