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While away in Clermont-Ferrand in France, I took some time to take pictures of these bright coloured benches.

When doing this photoshoot i wanted to take advantage of the bright colours in the area. I noticed the contrasting colours of the bench and the hedge behind it was. Therefore, chose to frame it so the bottom half of the shot had the bright orange bench and the top half of the shot was the dark green hedge. I feel that the flowers add the aesthetic of the scene and breaks up the such dominant colours with some white.

I wanted to experiment with framing the bench in the background with something else in the foreground. Allowing the blurred bench to create a interesting background and not act as the main focus. The flower again breaks up so much colour and adds some light into the centre of the frame. I chose to frame the flowers in the centre of the shot for two reasons: firstly, to allow the other flowers to slightly sneak in frame in the top left corner, adding more white, and secondly, i wanted to frame the bench so it filled the rest of the frame, if i moved over the brown floor would of gotten in shot and ruin the picture.

Naturally, as a photographer i always want to frame the shot slightly off to the left, for me it satisfies me more. So i decided to frame this shot to the right, so i can change my angle of photos. I chose to do a close up of the bench with the nail in focus so we could see the reflection of the rest of the bench within the nail. Unfortunately i could only get one nail in focus however when you look closely you can see the reflection of the bench within.

For this image, i wanted a wide shot o the whole bench, showing it entirely. However, i still wanted it to look satisfying, therefore i chose to frame the shot with the tree edging in the left and having the snow on the floor and on the bench, diffusing the dark colours and adding huge sections of white in the right of the frame. It was important for me that i had another tree in the background so it became symmetrical and the lines in the benches allowed your eyes to easily run deeper into the image.

For this shot i found that the texture of the bench was really detailed from above, it has all different shades and patterns, making it look slightly urban and more visually interesting. Therefore i captured a arial shot of the bench, adding the details of the snow to add an extra layer of detail to the image.